
Scroll down to read a little about me.

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Photo credit: Slugger Studio

I’m the mom of an extraordinary kiddo and two impossibly cute cats. Don’t all writers have cats? Dogs? Squirrels? My husband is pretty adorable too. The two of us have read about a billion picture books to our son over the last eight years, which sparked many ideas of my own.

These nuggets lived in the cozy corner of my computer for a long time...until one started vibrating and I couldn’t look away. Before I knew it, I had written a book, my lifelong dream! That’s how creativity is, right? It’s a living, breathing animal who must be nurtured.

Although I’m no stranger to the publishing industry (I copyedit novels for a living) this is a brand-new venture for me—yet I feel right at home. And I'm thrilled to share it with you!